Birth March 21, 1822
Address: Hauptstraße 10
MarriageLaurenz PelzmannView this family
May 19, 1845 (aged 23 years)
Residence May 19, 1845 (aged 23 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 10
Birth of a sonJohann Pelzmann
December 21, 1848 (aged 26 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 27
Baptism of a sonJohann Pelzmann
December 21, 1848 (aged 26 years)
Religion: katholisch
Marriage of a childJohann PelzmannGertraud HartlView this family
January 21, 1873 (aged 50 years)
Birth of a grandsonFranz Pelzmann
July 23, 1878 (aged 56 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 27
Baptism of a grandsonFranz Pelzmann
July 24, 1878 (aged 56 years)
Religion: katholisch
Birth of a grandsonFlorian Pelzmann
March 25, 1887 (aged 65 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 27
Baptism of a grandsonFlorian Pelzmann
March 25, 1887 (aged 65 years)
Priest: Anton Rittmann (aged 58 years) — Relationship
Religion: katholisch
Birth of a grandsonJohann Pelzmann
June 15, 1893 (aged 71 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 27
Baptism of a grandsonJohann Pelzmann
June 17, 1893 (aged 71 years)
Priest: Anton Rittmann (aged 65 years) — Relationship
Religion: katholisch
May 3, 1907 (on the date of death)
Death May 3, 1907 (aged 85 years)
Address: Hauptstraße 27
Cause of death: Marasmus senilis
Burial May 5, 1907 (2 days after death)
Religion: katholisch